Cape Breton East Candidate misinforms the Public.

Irresponsible comments from a candidate who has no idea what she is talking about.

This morning we heard the candidates from Cape Breton East riding discuss their platforms with CBC radio's, Information Morning.

Heather Peters stated some false information to the public with her comments. Who is feeding this candidate with her misinformation?

Here is a link to the interview on CBC:

Dr. Trevor Tombe of the University of Calgary who is part of a research fellowship for the School of Public Policy has provided the NSEF with the breakdown of the percentages of the five categories of the Equalization payment, that Nova Scotia receives. The NSEF has had; Political Scientists, Lawyers, PhD's, Clergy Members, Educators and very smart business people as part of their board for over 25 years. Heather, what background do you have that makes you an expert on this subject? If you are listening to what your party leader is telling you, that is very concerning to all who live in rural Nova Scotia.

We find it sad that Heather Peters would think that she knows more than these hard working people who have dedicated decades of their time to study this situation. It is also concerning that someone is feeding our candidates with false information on this topic.

Heather, you should read this link that is a direct link to the Federal Liberal Government's own explanation of the formula that you state again, "does not exist"

Incase Heather Peters needs further information about her blunder this morning, here is a link directly to Trevor Tombe's published information.:

The NSEF invited all three candidates to interview with the NSEF but only Barbara Beaton has responded and conducted an interview with us. Brian Comer, who did not meet with the NSEF after numerous requests, at least is aware that equalization is an issue but he continues to tote Tim Houston's platform to double our equalization payment while he reviews how municipalities are funded in Nova Scotia. This is a slightly larger bandage but will not fix our problems.

Heather, you better know your facts because the Liberals have a long history of keeping rural Nova Scotia and Cape Breton in poor fiscal shape to generate more equalization each year.

Heather, you also stated this morning that this case has "gone to court and was disproven" which is not not true. This case was prevented from going forward into a trial situation where the case would have been heard and a decision would have been rendered by the court. It never went to a trial setting.

Can Heather Peters be considered a serious candidate given her irresponsible comments this morning?

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