Cape Breton Flood 2016: How to Help

On October 9th, severe weather caused intense flooding and destruction to local homes and infrastructure of Cape Breton. Since then, the flood waters have receded, and we are left to survey the damage and begin to rebuild.

In an effort to help, here is a list of charities, events, and organizations providing relief efforts.

If you would like to help, choose a cause and make a donation or get involved!

United Way of Cape Breton

Donate in person at 245 Charlotte Street, by phone at 902-562-5226, or online at, and indicate ‘flood relief’ in the comments section so the money will be directed to those efforts. The CBRM is matching funds up to $25,000.

TO MAKE A DONATION TO CBRM FLOOD RELIEF, please follow this link: 

*In the comments section please type: FLOOD RELIEF 

CBSAR Cape Breton Flood Relief

Cape Breton Search and Rescue has created a goFundMe page to help relief efforts here:

"As a non-profit organization providing emergency services,  Cape Breton Search & Rescue  knows how costly unfortunate events can be to operate."

CBRM Storm Helpline and Email

For those looking for help, the municipality has set up a phone line, staffed with people who will triage by greatest need.

Beginning at 8 a.m. Friday, people can call 902-562-HELP (4357) or email [email protected].

The call centre will be open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Canadian Red Cross

Donate to the Atlantic Floods 2016 Appeal:

Samaritan's Purse sends Disaster Relief Unite to Cape Breton in Response to Flooding

Anyone who needs assistance or wants to volunteer to clean-up flooded homes can call 902-563-5881.

Samaritan’s Purse Canada has sent one of its specially equipped Disaster Relief Units to Sydney, Nova Scotia, and will recruit volunteers to clean-up homes in response to flooding. Residents and churches have welcomed the assistance.

October 15th: A Benefit Concert for Southend Community Center

Breton Brewing Co. will be donating $1 for every growler and pint sold on Saturday.

We will be accepting donations at the door, and we will be selling tickets for a gift card basket to be drawn in the night. If any local businesses want to add a gift card to the gift basket let us know!

We will have live music from the following generous musicians:
12pm - Elijah Best
1pm - Full Circle
2pm -The Ayl Men
3pm - Paul Campbell
4pm - Lawson MacDonald
5pm - Richard Schaller
6pm - WhiskeyJack
7pm - 10pm - Songwriter Circle featuring Jordan Musycsyn, Anthony Burke& Collette Deveaux

Floodsgiving 2016

The Cape Breton music community is pulling together to help the victims of the Thanksgiving Day flood rebuild their lives. There will be a series of concerts coordinated across a number of venues in the CBRM in the coming weeks, culminating with a major concert at Center 200 on November 27th.

Helping the Students of Brookland Elementary


Donations of school supplies can be made at the following locations:

The Education Department of Cape Breton University1250 Grand Lake Rd, Sydney

Sydney Academy49 Terrace St, Sydney

According to the department, students need things like Hilroy notebooks (80-page scribblers), pencils, crayons, loose-leaf paper, duotangs, construction paper, glue sticks and erasers.

Minecraft Hunger Games Tournament Supporting Brookland Elementary

Start: 2016-11-05 12:00 PM ADT ()
End: 2016-11-05 9:00 PM ADT ()

Ubique Networks and Swarmio are hosting a Minecraft Hunger Games tournament to raise money and supplies for the Cape Breton Flood Relief for Brookland Elementary School!  

    All ages welcome!

Register at and join us on November 5th for some fun and support a great cause!

Doktor Luke's CBRM Flood Relief Campaign

If you know of any other charities, organizations, or events that are working to help the relief effort, please let us know in the comments, or email the team at [email protected], and we will update the list as necessary.

Thank you for your support.

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A list of charities, events, and organizations that are supporting the relief effort, and how you can help.
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