
Cape Breton Helped Revive Struggling U.S. Bald Eagle Population

By Tom Murphy, CBC News Posted: Aug 08, 2016 6:21 PM AT

Any Americans tempted by the website Cape Breton if Donald Trump Wins will be heartened to learn the Nova Scotia island has a long history of restoring symbols of American pride.

Cape Breton has quietly helped revive the bald eagle, which was on the U.S. endangered species list in the 1980s but is thriving today. 

"There were zero nesting pairs in the entire state [of Massachusetts]. The last pair we knew about disappeared about 1905 down on Cape Cod," says Bill Davis of Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife.

- Read more at CBC.ca -

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Cape Breton has quietly helped revive the bald eagle, which was on the U.S. endangered species list in the 1980s but is thriving today.
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john deveaux Follow Me
I wonder what happened to the bald eagle in Massachusetts that caused them to disappear?
Rory Andrews Follow Me
3 Things! 1. The pesticide DDT interfered with the eagles calcium metabolism, making the birds either sterile or unable to lay eggs. 2. Loss of habitat because humans love backyards. 3. Hunters shot tons of them because they though bald eagles carried lambs and children away. They eventually discovered that eagles are not dragons. The population dropped to 412 nesting pairs in the 48 contiguous states. It's pretty amazing that the population has rebounded as well as it has.

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