Cape Bretoner's Pothole Video Goes Viral

Cape Bretoner Michael MacInnis shared a Facebook video as he was about do some 4x4ing. When the camera pans up, he reveals that the course is actually Prince Street in Sydney. One of the busiest streets in the city, the video shows it filled with large potholes. It quickly went viral.

In a follow up video a few days later, MacInnis shows the Cape Breton Regional Municipality crews doing repairs on the same stretch of street. Though he jokes that the 60,000 video views helped to get the repairs done, he offers his appreciation to the municipality.

CTV's Kyle Moore did a follow up report. He stated that CBRM officials said road repair isn't done until late spring or early summer since "asphalt plants are not yet operational".

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Tars MacEachern Follow Me
Kyle Moore's comment is interesting since this Road has been like this for quite awhile now. Guess the only way to get anything done around here is to video tape things and share it. The problem is that the patch work that will get done here will only last one season if we are lucky. Great job on the video thanks going out to the four wheeler
Joe Ward Follow Me
It seems to be an effective way to get a response. As a community, we should keep sharing concerns in this way. A photo or a short video can be quite compelling.
Denise Gallivan Follow Me
That was too funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning. :)

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