Cape Breton’s Magazine is Online—Free!

Dear Friends:


Now and then I like to remind you that Cape Breton's Magazine is available online at—and that it is entirely free.


Published between 1972 and 1999, the Cape Breton's Magazine website contains all 74 issues of the magazine exactly as they were originally published—every word, every photograph. 


And beyond that, the online version is searchable. You can follow your interests or just dip in anywhere or, if you wish, read every issue in the order they came out. You’ll find stories from the lives of Lee Cremo, Katie Margaret Gillis, Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald, Johnny "Butch" MacDonald, Margaret Neal James MacNeil, Winston Ruck, and hundreds of other Cape Bretoners who told their stories in the magazine.  You can follow the stories in steel, coal, fishing and music—including the New Waterford Explosion in 1917 and Black Friday in 1967 and a detailed Geology Walk Along the Clyburn River. There is an added Guide to all the Speakers and Articles, alphabetically and issue by issue. There are some audio clip taken from interviews. And there are thousands of photographs.


The Cape Breton’s Magazine website is free and will remain free. It is used today by teachers and students, dedicated local history buffs and readers who are simply curious about Cape Breton Island and its communities and people. I hope you will want to help me tell everyone who cares about Cape Breton Island that the website is available.


I invite you to enjoy Cape Breton's Magazine and to share it with friends and relatives worldwide. Please use Facebook and other social media to let Cape Bretoners and Friends of Cape Breton know that over 5000 pages of Cape Breton's Magazine is waiting for them at no charge at


With thanks,


Ronald Caplan, CM

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Bill Fiander Follow Me
The Cape Breton Magazine doesn't appear to be available online any longer. Does anyone know if it's a temporary or a permanent thing?
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Hi Bill: Had a quick look. It could be a technical issue. I suggest you reach out to the publisher Ron Caplan. You can message him directly at the top of this post, or you can google the Breton Books website.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
Hi Richard, it's been down for at least a month or so. But I'll try to contact him. Thanks!
Anne Lederman Follow Me
Trying to access the magazine with no success. Ron, can you help? I am especially wanting to read your interviews with Lee Cremo and Wilfred Prosper, if you or anyone monitoring here could send? [email protected]. Thank you.
Bill Fiander Follow Me
There's some information on this link, but it's not complete:

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