Cape Breton's Pretty Archie Hits The Road This Summer [VIDEO]

2018 East Coast Music Award Nominees Pretty Archie is getting ready for a busy 2018 summer lined up with a cross country tour for the end of June into July, playing from New Brunswick to Fort McMurray.

Pretty Archie has only one home town show scheduled this summer part of the Sydney Credit Union Makin' Waves Music Festival, on July 19th at the Wentworth Park Bandshell in Sydney and they will be joined by The Jordan Musycsyn Band which will make for a memorable night in Cape Breton.

After that, Pretty Archie will head off to Denmark’s iconic Tonder Music Festival playing for a few nights in Denmark, Germany & Amsterdam. Returning home in September, they will be ready to release their new CD which was recorded in the Spring with Jamie Foulds at Soundpark Studios. (

We Don't Live Forever - Pretty Archie 'Sing Alongs and Love Songs' (2016) - Directed by Matthew Ingraham

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