CB is looking for new representation at all levels of government.

Hello to all NSEF supporters and to the residents of Cape Breton. We are getting ready to introduce and support new political representation here on Cape Breton Island. The next election (Federal) is just a year away and it is time to start the process of getting ready to introduce options to all Cape Bretoners with regards to our political representation.

The political parties here in Nova Scotia continue to ignore the Constitution of Canada and Charter of Rights and Freedoms with regards to Equalization and the lack of funding that is coming to our region. If the current politicians, who are being paid well to represent us, still refuse to deal with the issues that we face on a daily basis, then we must offer some alternatives to all Cape Bretoners. The political landscape across this country is changing rapidly when it comes to politics and we must change with it.

The NSEF is looking for community minded people who are willing to step up and represent the people of Cape Breton with a strong voice and with a transparent representation of the people. The NSEF will hold a number of debates publicly with the new candidates as well as invite the current politicians to join in these debates. If you run as an independent or as a member of the Cape Breton United Party (also independent) , we want to help educate and prepare you for what Cape Breton needs to stop the planned decline of our Island.

If you think that you have what is needed to fill these positions and you want to get involved to help save our Island, then please email us at [email protected] to start the process. If Cape Breton looks to form as a Territory in the future, we will have the right people in place to take us through the process. Thank you and we look forward to meeting with you and helping to educate all candidates on the needs of Cape Breton.


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Charles Sampson Follow Me
Next federal election in about a year will be very crucial as we have not been receiving the kind of political representation we deserve for far, far too many years now. And the only way it is going to change will be to send people to Ottawa who will speak strongly against the government induced down sizing of this community.
Joe Ward Follow Me
It's an exciting time. With several vulnerable candidates, the NSEF's endorsement to its supporters has the potential to remove people from office, and send a message that not fighting for this region is direct pathway to the end of a political career. Asking may not get results. But the prospect of ending their careers can be very motivating. A couple of independent MLAs elected in Cape Breton during the next election could be powerful positions versus a minority government that needs their votes to move anything forward. Mombourquette is spreading some provincial money around right now. But he and MacLellan are the most vulnerable. Eyking and Cuzner could be defeated, but it would be more challenging to pull off. Challenging, but not impossible.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
We have had a few good submissions so far and we will arrange meetings soon. Keep them coming in everyone as this is so important for our future. If you know someone out there who should be considering this, then reach out to them and ask them to reply. We as an island have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The political landscape is changing now and it is about time. We here in Cape Breton will keep everything clear and transparent from now on and avoid this miss from happening again in the future. Enough back room deals and political party pandering has taken place to almost kill our economy. As a community, we need to send a loud clear message to government that we will not stand by any longer and allow CBRM and Cape Breton to fail because of politics. Politics should be protecting our rights and ensuring we succeed and not the other way around. Shame on all politicians who have been working against this islands success.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
The importance of this practice is to help people get motivated to step forward and tell the community what is needed and how they will achieve results. The NSEF is there to support any individual who wants to be heard. We have very smart people on our board who can help groom any upcoming fighters. The followers of the NSEF will be needed to watch presentations and provide feedback to all who participate. We will hold debates and of course, live stream the events. We hope that people out there will start the discussion with members of their communities and help identify individuals who will better represent us. The NSEF should not have to remind you that the current politicians (with a few exceptions) are just not fighting hard enough for us. There is funding in the Treasury department for various programs that most MLA's are not applying for. We have a major property tax situation here that needs to be addressed by government but they do not. The secrecy in government in Nova Scotia is staggering. We have much to fix so let's get to work and get things moving.......thank ypu The NSEF
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Brett, The “round and round we go” you mention was necessary to build the case for what you suggest. Efforts had to be attempted to see if the politicians were going to provide ALL Nova Scotians with their share of the Equalization Payments. When more media savvy younger people joined NSEF, the message then was delivered to more and more people. I agree with you, the reluctance of our politicians to obey the law will force us to seek more autonomy. But that has to be made clear to the people too. Nunavut didn’t happen overnight.
Lloyd Allan MacPherson Follow Me
The NSEF is creating a much needed blueprint on how to properly manage a bottom up approach to searching for responsibility among a political class - we should all be thankful that we are witnessing it happen in our lifetimes and of all places, one of the most beautiful on Turtle Island - the land of fog. People are still looking towards a confined, political process that is going to make a difference when we are clearly being shown that a people-process has no boundaries. When we combine and hold people accountable, through careful documentation, we support our constitution. We all make daily decisions on who and what we support and when we start truly exercising our rights to freely associate, that self-governance becomes a force of nature that can overturn any obstacle. It certainly is an exciting time.
Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness My Post Follow Me
Thanks Lloyd. Yes exciting for sure. The whole process is going to be so cool for everyone in Cape Breton. Everyone is able to watch the debates via live stream and ask questions over messaging or call ins. The call center volunteers will then let thousands of people know to watch live and engage with us. We will literally be letting cape Bretoners decide who is best to represent us in government. The student education program starts this week. Thanks for the comments.
Lloyd Allan MacPherson Follow Me
I'm more than enthused that a student education program has made its way into this perpetually growing association. In 2015, I was inspired by the readings of Catholic theologian René Girard and seated with two other collaborators on a cold and snowy weekend, wrote a song called "Stare Down" which could very well read as a dedication to the work in which the Nova Scotians for Equalisation Fairness has partaken. It just so happened to land in the lap of a Genie-nominated producer in Montreal by the name of Robert Marchand and was recorded by one of Montreal's most talented, up-and-coming vocalists, Heidi. I hope you find inspiration in its lyrics and be sure to pass that link to those bright students : https://soundcloud.com/robertmarchand/stare-down-w-heidi
Bill Fiander Follow Me
It'd be nice if an elected official is not dependent on being elected to pay their bills. Have empathy. Would rather lose and go against the party then go against his/her conscience. No lust for power....

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