C.B. MLA challenges Provincial Government on Equalization [VIDEO]

Please have a listen to the video link below. Why is only one of Cape Bretons MLAs speaking the truth to the Provincial Government? What is wrong with the rest of Cape Bretons MLAs? Has this one MLA, by her questioning to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, exposed a real crisis facing the Province of Nova Scotia? Has Kendra Coombes identified why 5 communities have already dissolved in this province with others considering dissolution as well, due to lack of funding from the Provincial government from the Federal Government's Equalization Program?

Has MLA Coombes exposed the real scandal as to why the Federal Equalization Billions are not being a benefit to ALL Nova Scotians? Please watch the short video clip below and watch the alarmed look on the face of the Minister of Municipal Affairs.


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Charles Sampson Follow Me
Thanks to Cape Breton MLA Kendra Coombes the Nova Scotia government’s Minister of Municipal Affairs was presented with a question about the federal EQUALIZATION transfers which all governments, past and current, have been deliberately unaccountable for its distribution and have practiced a complete lack of transparency regarding these federal billions$. MLA COOMBES has raised a question that involves only one of the five categories in the Equalization funding, and it is a very important one. The category she is seeking answers to involves the municipal deficiency in tax capacity related to property and miscellaneous revenues. This involves a significant percentage of the total transfer of each year’s federal Equalization funding. For example, the latest year for which figures are fully available is 2019-20 when the total Equalization payments were $2.015 billion. The percentage of that total in that year was 23.7 percent that was generated by the MUNICIPAL DEFICIENCY IN TAX CAPACITY RELATED TO PROPERTY AND MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES. Yes, the municipalities within this province were unable to generate sufficient revenues from their tax sources to provide their citizens with services at a national standard and at a comparable rate of taxation. That 23.7% of the total amounts to $477.5 million that was sent by the federal Equalization transfers to address this municipal deficiency in tax capacity related to property and miscellaneous revenues. The provincial (equalization) grant which the provincial government uses to fund its municipalities, is approximately $30.5 MILLION. MLA Coombes’ important question should be recognized by rural municipal governments and the Cape Breton Regional Municipality Government. Where is this amount of funding being spent while 5 towns have dissolved due to insufficient funding? Why are more municipal governments considering dissolution because of insufficient funds when the federal Equalization program provides sufficien?

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