CBR Police charge three for assault, robbery

Two men and a woman are scheduled to appear in Sydney Provincial Court today facing charges for an August 30th robbery.


Cape Breton Regional Police responded to a call for assistance at a residence on Pierce Street in North Sydney at approximately 9:00 PM. Upon arrival, officers located 4 individuals, all known to each other, who had been involved in an altercation. One male was taken by EHS to Cape Breton Regional Hospital for further treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. Initial information at the scene indicated the other 3 individuals were responsible for the man’s injuries and they were arrested.


Officers canvassed the neighbourhood for witness information and the Forensic Identification Unit was called to process the scene. As the result of further investigation, the three individuals were remanded to the Cape Breton Correctional Centre on August 31st.


Darren James Clarke – 42, Jerry Walter Jessome – 40, and Cheryl Sullivan-Lomond – 45, are charged with Assault Causing Bodily Harm, Robbery and several Breaches of previous Court-ordered conditions. Clarke is also charged with Aggravated Assault, Assault with a Weapon, and Uttering a Threat.  

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