CBR Police charge woman with dangerous and impaired driving

A 21-year-old woman is scheduled to appear in Sydney Provincial Court today facing 8 charges after Cape Breton Regional Police stopped her in Membertou.


Police received reports of a car driving at high speed at approximately 8:30 PM June 10th. Officers on patrol in the area quickly located a vehicle matching its description at the intersection of Tupsi Drive and Paul Awti and attempted to stop the vehicle. The driver sped away at a high rate of speed, but officers did not pursue in the interest of public safety. Additional officers responded to the area and located the vehicle near a residence on Donald Marshall Awti, where a woman was trying to leave in it. Police blocked the driveway and officers approached the vehicle to arrest the woman who was identified as the same person driving the vehicle when it previously drove away from police. Noting signs of impairment, officers also requested a breath sample.


Marie Eleanor Young of Sydney was later remanded to the Cape Breton Correctional Centre, charged with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Flight from Police, Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Refusal of a Breath Demand, Assaulting a Peace Officer and 3 Breaches of Probation.

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Lynn Hussey Follow Me
A LOT more need to be apprehended for impaired driving! There are lots of them on the highways.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
AND cell phone use while driving.Stopped driving my bike because of it.

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