CBRM: A Part Of Canada?

A Blueprint For a Healthier and Safer CBRM

CBRM's Active Transportation website (Click Here) defines Active Transportation in the same way as communities right across North America...Human Powered. The benefits of Active Transportation are well known and well laid out on the CBRM Active Transportation website including this presentation to council on February 5, 2019 (Click Here (ppt))

When it comes to the Rail Trail that runs through various districts and communities in CBRM there was not only a great opportunity for CBRM to act on it's own Active Transportation Strategy but also a symbolic opportunity to connect CBRM to the rest of Canada with a common goal of healthier lifestyles for Canadians.The blueprint exists and is embraced by Canadians in every province, even Nova Scotia, except CBRM. The Great Trail is world renowned and the longest recreation trail in the world. It is something for all Canadians (except CBRM) to be proud of. In CBRM we can not stand up and say "We are part of this".


The Great Trail has a grand vision and core principals that could guide CBRM in making our communities safer and healthier. 

CBRM did set out to create an Active Transportation Trail on the rail corridor and they seemed to have tapped the Active Transportation budget and resources for over 10 years to discuss and plan an Active Transportation Trail. But then at last moment, they showed their true intentions to appease the ATV Associations and dump the Active Transportation Trail for an ATV Trail. As with many communities right across Canada and into the USA, the ATV associations use their lobbying power to turn and elected officials against one another and against residents. So much conflict and loss of quality of life happens over and over. The issue here is not that ATV enthusiasts can't play with their toys, it is the lack of community consideration they have when it comes to a trail like the Rail Trail that runs through the heart of  communities and through backyards. Consideration is not given to the resident who have invested in a home in these communities or who have lived here for many years. Consideration is not given to those that are uncomfortable sharing a pedestrian trail with loud, air polluting, dust raising vehicles when they are out for a peaceful walk or ride on their bicycle. False examples and excuses are held up by elected officials and ATV groups without conveying the whole story. For example they will say that residents must put up with the noise from ATVs because there used to be trains on this corridor. This is ridiculous because:

  • The trains are essential and ATVs are non essential toys
  • The trains pass once a day, ATVs are constant
  • There are no trains...period! So this is not even a consideration or excuse. Good try though.

Dinosaurs used to roam the earth and were noisier than ATVs so should we also use that as rationalization?

ATVs say they will help police the trails which indicates there are serious issues to deal with. Police Services can't police off-road vehicles effectively but somehow the ATV groups will?

This is from a report by the Halifax Regional Trails Association who, like us. are in a battle with the ATV Associations to remove ATVs off trails. You see on the bottom of the image directly below, that law enforcement have all but given up on having any real control.

Halifax Regional Trail Association Report

When I spoke to Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) a couple months ago they tried to use the BLT (Beechville Lakeside Timberlea) Trail on the mainland of Nova Scotia as an example but this is not comparable to what we have here as it runs along a major highway where ATVs typical run anyway. The issues with this trail need to be presented also if they are going to use it as a blueprint instead of The Great Trail. For example the Trail committee minutes show the damage that ATVs cause to trails. This is in contrast to claims of clubs maintaining trails.


Or maybe show how respectable members of the communities on the mainland are calling for removal of ATVs off this trail because it was a mistake in the first place.

It's been a long time now (2011) since The Great Trail (Formerly Trans Canada Trail) made a clear statement about how shared trails don't work. So why is CBRM still beating this dead horse especially in dense residential areas?


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[comment deleted] Posted
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Have you thought about filing a complaint with the provincial ombudsman or the UARB?
Joseph Campbell My Post Follow Me
Yes, it is on the roadmap.
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