CBRM Candidates for Mayor and Council | Names & Photos | 2024

Source:  CBRM Website


  Donnie Bacich - candidate  
  Cecil Clarke  - candidate  
  James Edwards  - candidate  
  Carla George  - candidate  
  Vince Hall  - candidate  
  Kevin MacEachern  - candidate  
  Archie MacKinnon  - candidate  
  Rankin MacSween  - candidate  
  Joe Ward  - candidate  
District 1 Gordon MacDonald (acclaimed)  
District 2 Earlene MacMullin (acclaimed)  
District 3 Esmond Marshall - candidate  
District 3  Glen Murrant - candidate  
 District 3 Michael Vickers - candidate  
 District 3 Tom Vickers - candidate  
District 4 Steve Gillespie (acclaimed)  
District 5 Eldon MacDonald - candidate  
District 5  Bennett MacIntyre - candidate  
District 6 Glenn Paruch (acclaimed)  
District 7 Steve Parsons (acclaimed)  
District 8 Derrick Kennedy - candidate  
 District 8 Shawn Lesnick - candidate  
 District 8  Steven MacNeil - candidate  
District 9 Kyron Coombes - candidate  
 District 9 David MacKeigan - candidate  
District 9  Ken Tracey - candidate  
District 10 Matthew Boyd - candidate  
 District 10 William Martin - candidate  
 District 10 Paul Nickituk - candidate  
District 11 Darren O'Quinn - candidate  
 District 11 Louis Piovesan - candidate  
District 12 Gary Borden - candidate  
 District 12 Lorne Green - candidate  
 District 12 Krys Maher - candidate  
 District 12 Kimberley Sheppard - candidate  
CSAP Clermont Charland (acclaimed)  

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Joe Ward Follow Me
Hi everyone, my name is Joe Ward and I’m a candidate for mayor. More about me at ElectJoeWard.com or on Facebook. Let’s lower taxes. I know how. :)
Sharon Lantz Follow Me
I would like a Mayor who doesn't think Sydney is the CBRM!

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