CBRM Council, Are You Listening?

There is no apparent evidence that CBRM council requested proper public (you and I) consultation or proper internal reviews when they crushed our hopes for a better community, by running an ATV Trail through the heart of our communities. There is no evidence publicly available that they looked at the detrimental effects of promoting an activity that kills so many people in the run of a year, many of which are young adults or teenagers. We are inundated constantly with news of fatal ATV accidents and for some reason CBRM council wants to bring this activity into our community. More and more of the fatal accidents are hitting close to home. These facts and statistics are readily available to CBRM Council. I have personally warned of the ramifications of promoting ATV use in dense communities and provided clear evidence over the last 4~6 months that they had made a mistake. They don't yet seem willing to explore the possibility that backing the narrow agenda of a small group of ATV enthusiasts was an egregious mistake. They don't yet seem willing to listen to residents that actually live in the communities that are being negatively impacted by their mistake. They didn't seem to want to collect public input before taking over the property from PSPC (who's role in this probably needs to be looked at closer) and turning it into an ATV Trail instead of an Active Transportation trail that was promised for 12 years. CBRM council is delaying dealing with this issue, CBRM Police Services are left with cleaning up the mess created by this ATV trail, there is misrepresentation of public sentiment around this trail and this mess is being forced down the throats of the communities and all you hear is "there is nothing anybody can do". WHAT!?!?!

The stories this week of deaths due to ATVs in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia mainland and right here in Cape Breton are extremely sad and needless. Residents don't want and ATV trail running though our residential community, residents didn't ask for an ATV Trail and we don't want the deaths that come along with it...so why is CBRM promoting an activity that is known to kill constantly? Designating a playground for non-essential toys is indeed promoting the activity in the preceding question, no doubt about it.

The following news articles are from a cursory search of the last week or so. They are tragic and needless deaths.

Fatal ATV Accident in Cape Breton from CTV News: https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1756355

Fatal ATV accident mainland NS from CTV Newshttps://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1508615

image above from: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/atv-fatal-forteau-placentia-1.5832747

image above from: https://globalnews.ca/tag/fatal-atv-crash/

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Lillian Dolomont Follow Me
How would anyone ever allow this to happen? Who do they listen to, the tax paying residents or the owners of these machines who may not even live in the area? I have witnessed the damage they do and the noise of their little late night runs. Should never have happened. Can it be undone.
Joseph Campbell My Post Follow Me
I believe it can be undone Lillian because the way it was done was "underhanded" and ludicrous. The federal government was part of it so I am sure they are not interested in being fingered in a scandal or a lawsuit. So it is a matter now of putting together the pieces, bringing local residents together and holding the responsible parties accountable for this mess. It just takes a posting of signs to remove the off-road vehicles from what was promised to be an Active Transportation trail. The battle to keep them there, on the other hand, will be long and arduous for municipal leaders. If you are interested in more information about this ongoing battle or have information to contribute that could help, feel free to join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1684345541713254
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