CBRM Council Expenses Lead to More Questions than Answers


Like a wise Jedi master, my former employer – a CPA – once told me, “If you’re looking for the truth, just look at the numbers.

So I downloaded the CBRM councillors’ expense report.

Here’s what I found …

Between January 2019 and March 2020 (15 months) CBRM Council was reimbursed for:

  • Travel: $95,147
  • Accommodations: $12,450
  • Meals: $5,948
  • Training: $1,226

What I didn’t find was an explanation for these expenses. Apparently that information is not made public – which leads me to the issue of transparency. I’ll talk about that in another post.

Meals and Accommodations

One has to ask:

  • What was the reason for $12,450 in overnight accommodations?
  • Where did council stay? Here in CBRM? Halifax? Toronto? Beijing?
  • What was the nature of their almost $6,000 in meal expenses?
  • Were these local meals, here in CBRM, or were these meal expenses related to travel?


Then there’s the question of training. As a candidate running for councillor in CBRM District 3, I assumed that all councillors would be encouraged to enrol in courses that would provide them with new skills; perhaps to improve their communications and planning skills so they can better represent the residents of their respective districts in council . Yet, I see only two councillors claimed expenses for training.

Perhaps my priorities are out of line, but I would think that training should account for more than 1% of council’s total expenses.


The most perplexing expense of all is Travel. Most of each councillor’s travel expense is attributed to mileage – driving within their respective districts and back and forth to CBRM City Hall. So it stands to reason that the councillors of the smallest districts, nearest to City Hall (1, 5, 10) would have the lowest mileage claims.

But that’s not the case …


All the districts have roughly between 6,000 and 9,000 residents. So a variance of up to 50% is to be expected. A variance of 350%, however, is just cause – in my opinion – for a closer examination of each councillor’s expenses.

The physical size of each district ranges from as little as 8 sq km to over 1,000 sq km. Therefore, travel expenses claimed by each councillor should be roughly proportional to the physical size of their district.

The ratio of district size to travel expense is an indication each councillor’s mileage-efficiency. The most efficient councillors will have the lowest ratios, and vice versa.

Looking at the chart below, we can clearly see there is a normal range for mileage-efficiency, and we can see which councillors managed to stay within that range.


First – full disclosure – in case you didn’t already know, I am running for councillor in CBRM District 3. Part of my election platform is transparency and accountability. Which is why I’ve spent so much of my free time analyzing things like expense reports.

Based on the available data, two things are clear:

  1. There needs to be more accountability and oversight when it comes to councillors’ expense claims. If I am elected I will push to establish expectations and impose maximums so that councillors are more fairly compensated for their mileage. I will also recommend that there is a mandatory amount of additional training required for each councillor.
  2. The lack of detail available to the public speaks to the need for greater transparency regarding CBRM’s operational and business practices. If elected, I will put forth a motion to review and improve public access to CBRM reports and documentation.

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CBRM councillors are being reimbursed for expenses that don't reflect the size or population of their districts. More oversight and transparency are needed.
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Joe Ward Follow Me
They should never be reimbursed for traveling to the Civic Centre (City Hall). Doncaster has a big district, but where is he going? We absolutely need more details. We shouldn't be paying for councillors to attend bake sales.
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
Don't forget attending weddings, funerals, bake sales, dances, hospital visits, etc.etc.etc. Even a Sunday drive for ice cream can be claimed as a travel expense - as long as they don't actually call it "Sunday drive for ice cream".
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
I can't believe how long this expense issue has dragged on with no solution in sight. Here's what should be done: 1. Each councilor should be given a flat amount of $______ per year for general expenses. The amount could be adjusted based on district size (or not), but if so, the adjustment should be only about 30% difference. These general expenses should be considered a catchall for everything including driving, meals, communications, etc. 2. The amount above is automatic and no paperwork or reporting is required. It's part of doing the job and there is no need to create an administrative burden on a bunch of people to record and monitor the expenditures. And certainly it's a waste of a councillor's valuable time to log every single drive and meal on an expense sheet. 3.Any other type of expense should be considered "extraordinary" and these expenses must be logged and fully reported — and require pre-approval by the municipality. Extraordinary expenses would include training, travel outside of the region, etc. Councillors must justify the expense with the awareness that it will be published for the public. And it cannot be incurred prior to preapproval. Easy peasy. Based on the numbers Glen has presented above, I would say the general expenses amount should be around $6,000 per year.
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
Exactly. Great suggestions Mathew. We don't want to create unnecessary administrative work, but we have to reign in these questionable expenses. I think the idea of an expense cap would work - but it has to be different for each district. The Dist.5 councillor (covering only 8 sq km) should have a much lower budget than the Dist.7 councillor (covering 1,021 sq km). "Extraordinary" expenses should require pre-approval. Expenses should also be published quarterly. There's nothing like public scrutiny to keep costs under control.
Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
You know, if I were a mayor or councilor in a small district with unusually high expenses, I would insist on my expenses being published for the public — in fact, I would share them myself — just to show that they are justifiable expenses incurred in helping serve my constituents. It would also show the hard work that I've put into serving by constituents. So, tell me again why a councillor would *not* want their expenses shared publicly? :-)
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
For a more detailed look and comparison with other municipalities, see Mary Campbell's exceptional work on the Cape Breton Spectator website: https://capebretonspectator.com/2020/02/05/travel-expenses-cbrm/
Debbie Keating Follow Me
Glen would you have any luck exposing Mark Betten’s expenses? Apparently lawyer Guy LaFosse in his FOIPOP application was told there were an excessive amount of pages to be copied for a certain time frame (perhaps during the conservative leadership race???) It was raising a lot of questions at the time with the suggestion he may be covering expenses for someone else. But who can scrutinize when his expenses are not on the public record?
Glen Murrant My Post Follow Me
Hi Debbie. Yes - there were approximately 60,000 pages of documents included in the FOIPOP request. The only holdup in releasing those documents is the ludicrous $43k bill for photocopying from CBRM. I feel confident that with the right council in place (myself included) we can be successful in having these documents released in a digital format - which would eliminate the photocopying bill. (There will be still be a bill for access, but it will be far less than the current price).

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