CBRM Election: Deja Vu All Over Again?

I swear to the Lord, I still can't see, why Democracy means, everybody but me.

Langston Hughes

(Hughes was a Black poet, playwright, and political activist in America from the 1920s to the 60s, so I am borrowing a serious quote to make another kind of point.)

In political elections, we want, some of us passionately, for our chosen candidate to be elected. 

To Clarke supporters, I say congratulations. 

It is important not to be all Trump about election results.

And democracy is not just an election.

Democracy is a political system that works best when we actually participate in it.

For example, if you are, as I am, concerned about Clarke’s plan to move the Ally Centre and homeless shelter somewhere, write him a letter expressing your views.

Or drop off some boots or shoes at the Ally Centre so that they can give them to people who really need them. And tell them that you appreciate the hard work they do.

Or both.

Follow the story of the new Clarke term. It is bound to be interesting, with a few plot twists - not a page-turner but not without intriguing plotlines. 

I think the first chapter in this serial is to be released soon.





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