CBRM Election October 17, 2020 RESULTS

This event has ended Date:
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Polls close at 7pm on Saturday, October 17, 2020.


Voters in CBRM will be electing:

  • The Mayor, elected by all voters in CBRM (at large);
  • A Councillor to represent them in one of twelve districts;
  • The Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial (CSAP) member (if eligible to vote for this School Board).

ELECTION DAY is Saturday, October 17, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Prospective candidates can download the CBRM Candidates' Guide below or follow THIS LINK to download from the CBRM website.

For more information on the upcoming municipal election - including voter registration and voting online - please visit:

CBRM Election Information Page


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Barry Smith Follow Me
After reading a article about the Sydney Casino on Cape Breton Spectator All candidates for the up- coming election should be asked, "Would you be in favour of the closure of the Sydney Casino after 25 years?
Glen Murrant Follow Me
FYI - This year voting is very different: 1) no actual polling stations or paper ballots. Everyone votes from home, either on-line or by phone. Watch the mail for your voter card and details: "Individual Voter Instruction Letters will be mailed to each voter on the Amended Voters’ List in September and will include a unique personal identification number (PIN). Full details on how to access the system are provided in the Voter Instruction Letter." 2) Voting runs for 11 days, 24-hours a day: "Voting will begin at 8:00 am on Wednesday, October 7th and run 24 hours a day until the close of the polls on Election Day - Saturday, October 17th at 7:00 pm." 3) if you don't have a computer or would like assistance with the new process, "A kiosk will be set up at City Hall, 320 Esplanade, Sydney, NS during regular business hours to help voters who require assistance with voting. Inquiries should be directed to the Returning Office, 320 Esplanade, Suite 405, Sydney, tel. 902-563-5010; email [email protected]" (the text in "quotes" above were copied from the CBRM website pages: https://www.cbrm.ns.ca/elections-e-voting.html and https://www.cbrm.ns.ca/elections-voters.html)
David Delaney Follow Me
Hello, There is a report about that New Dawn has a 4 million dollar shortfall in its capital budget, relating, of course, to the construction costs of its new Centre in Sydney's north end. Has any inquiry been made in this regard to verify this report? It certainly is particularly interesting now that a municipal election is underway in that a request ( by New Dawn) might soon be forthcoming for CBRM assistance. If it should come, what is the position of the candidates?
Joe Ward Follow Me
What report? Have you inquired, or attempted to verify whatever information you have? How have you determined that a request "might soon be forthcoming"? So the question is a rhetorical question about an impending request that you haven't substantiated? Please provide your data so as to not contribute to floating disinformation or fake news.

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