CBRM Forward Open House August 23rd in Sydney

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Open House: Sydney

Location: Port of Sydney, Sydney

Date: Monday, August 23, 201
Time: 6pm to 8pm

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) and the Cape Breton Partnership welcome you to CBRM Forward!

CBRM Forward is a comprehensive strategy to guide the CBRM into a bright future. The project includes the development of  an Economic Development Strategy, a Growth Strategy, and a thorough overhaul of the  Municipal Planning Strategy, the Land Use By-law, and other critical enabling by-laws. CBRM Forward will provide an aspirational vision for the community rooted in the reality of the CBRM's strengths and opportunities. It will provide a framework for action and set expectations over short, medium, and long term horizons. 

The components that make up CBRM Forward will be used to make decisions for the next 10 to 25 years. It is therefore critical that these strategies be built by the experts. That means you! You are the expert on all things CBRM and your input is necessary to build strategies that are representative, actionable, and impactful. You will be asked to share your thoughts and ideas throughout 2021 and 2022 to help develop CBRM Forward into a project your community can be proud of.  

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CBRM Forward is launching the second round of public engagement on August 23, 2021.
Events Public Meetings, Rallies, Parades, Gatherings


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