CBRM Holding Open Houses To Present Land-Use By-Law Changes

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CBRM Draft Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law are now available for DOWNLOAD HERE

The CBRM is holding open houses in May to present changes to zoning and take questions from attendees. Topics include their new approach to housing, commercial development, industrial areas, environmental management, and rural development.

Included in the changes: 

  • Changes to zoning.
  • Provisions that obliged new residential developments to incorporate architectural embellishments prevalent in the existing neighbourhood will be eliminated.
  • Apartment buildings up to 6 units will be allowed as of right. Those greater than six units will be required to get approval for a site plan, but no public hearing is required.
  • Operating dormitories will be permitted as of right.

Glace Bay Open House
Monday May 8th, 6pm to 8pm
Miners Forum

North Sydney Open House
Wednesday May 10th, 6pm to 8pm
Firefighters Club

Sydney Open House
Thursday May 11th, 6pm to 8pm
Port of Sydney (Lobby)


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