CBRM, We Have to Talk About the Environment.
Because October 17, 2020.
Yes, we will be able to cast our votes online for the mayor and district councilor that best represents our interests as citizens.
I am not writing this post to cast shade on anyone, as the youth would say.
We just really need to talk about the environment because Mayor Cecil Clarke and most of the sitting council have taken the odd position that they have no jurisdiction or responsibility for the health of our environment when approving developments and making planning decisions.
It is really weird.
It goes kind of like this:
Environmentally-aware person: “Mayor and CBRM, will you think about how developments will affect the Bras d’Or Lake or the Mira River or our wetlands or other vulnerable spaces before you approve a development?
Mayor and CBRM, except Amanda MacDougall: “We love the lakes and rivers and wetlands, but no. It is not within our jurisdiction to try to protect them. Look we would, but we are not allowed.”
Environmentally-aware person who has a computer and access to the Internet: “But the Municipal Government Act gives you that power.”
(From the MGA)
"Statements of policy in planning strategy 214 (1) A municipal planning strategy must include statements of policy respecting (a) the objectives of the municipality in respect of its physical, economic and social environment; (b) the future use, management and development of lands within the municipality;"
Mayor and CBRM, except Amanda MacDougall: ?
Environmentally-aware person who has a computer and access to the Internet: “So is Antigonish breaking the law when they promise, in their Municipal Planning Strategy, that:
"…the Town of Antigonish’s existing environmental assets be conserved and provided with protection from adjacent or nearby development so as to prevent detrimental impacts on water quality or the aquatic environment. Council recognizes wetlands, areas of steep slopes, and watercourses as maintenance-free wildlife habitat and green space which is worth conserving due to the ecosystem services provided by such areas.”?
Mayor and CBRM, except Amanda MacDougall:
Please ask the good people running for councillor in your district, and our candidates for mayor, if CBRM Council has the power to help protect our environment from the harmful effects of careless development, in their opinion.
And then ask them if they will do so if elected.
For example, the Mayor and Council could commit at any time not to allow any large-scale development on the Bras d’Or Lakes without consulting with Mi'kmaq leaders. Also, they could commit to – at least – abide by the guidelines put forward by Development Standards Report and the Development Standards Handbook created by the Bras d'Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI).
And much more.
The one thing that any candidate should not be allowed to do is to declare that they have no jurisdiction over the environment when it relates to development, because they do.
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