Celtic Colours Festival 2018 - Artist Profile - Paul MacDonald

Celtic Colours International Festival has chosen Paul MacDonald as one of their 2018 Artists-in-Residence.

Paul is a musician of many talents and is well-known in traditional music circles at home and abroad. An accomplished guitarist, he has performed with numerous Celtic artists including Jerry Holland, Brenda Stubbert, Otis Tomas, Paul Cranford, The Boys of The Lough, Joe Derrane, Máire O’Keeffe, Brendan Mulvihill, Hamish Moore, John MacLean and Fred Morrison.

Today Paul is a member of The Rocky Shore and The Poe Trio. He is also a skillful and creative sound engineer, producer, collector, writer and researcher with an extensive discography that includes traditional music from Cape Breton, Ireland, Scotland, and the Appalachians.

Over the past 20 years, Paul’s audio restorations have put many fine old recordings back into circulation. Paul has also taught at numerous workshops and festivals throughout his career, including the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes, and from 2003 to 2007 Paul was adjunct professor of Celtic Music at St. F.X. University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Paul’s vast experience, expertise and knowledge will be put to good use in his role as one of Celtic Colours 2018 Artists in Residence.

Click Here To Find Out Paul MacDonald Celtic Colours Schedule! 

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