Centre 200

Centre 200 is Cape Breton's primary sports and entertainment facility, located in Sydney, Nova Scotia. It is home to the QMJHL's Cape Breton Screaming Eagles and the NSMMHL's Cape Breton Tradesmen. Besides ice hockey, the arena hosts many other events, such as rock concerts, figure skating, and antique/custom car shows. The facility features an obstruction free sports arena that seats 5,000 people, expandable seating to 6,500 for concert hall purposes, and exhibit space of 17,000 sq ft (1,600 m).

Contact Us

Centre 200 is owned and operated by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM). For information regarding CBRM please go to CBRM.

481 George Street,
PO Box 1510,
Sydney, Nova Scotia
B1P 6R7

Phone: 902-564-2200
Fax: 902-539-4598
Ticket Purchases: 902-564-2200, tickets.capebreton.ca

Facilities Manager:  Paul MacDonald

Facilities Supervisor/Ice Rental Bookings/Events: David Ferguson

Administration - Financial Services/Ice Rental Payments: Darlene Maclean

Administration - Financial Services/Accounts Payable:  Carron Coleman

Administration - Financial Services/AP Events:  W. Nadine Matthews

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Centre 200 is Cape Breton's primary sports and entertainment facility, located in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Directory Sports, Fitness, Recreation Gyms, Venues, Facilities Location CBRM Sydney Sport Hockey


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