Multicultural Cafe! Come for the coffee, Stay for the company!

Multicultural Cafe is a monthly event.

This event is focused on bringing people together, growing community connections through personal contact, and informally sharing information about services and opportunities in the community for both established and new community members.

The coming event is on Thursday 23 July at Access Center (3rd floor of the New Dawn Center for Innovation, 37 Nepean Street, Sydney). It is completely free and open to everyone! We will have coffee, food, music, some local businesses and community groups, cultural tables, games, and prizes. We would like to see both our local Cape Bretoners and new community members could bring their friends and family to join a fun night with us and build a good conversation among each other. 

Come for the coffee, stay for the company! 

You don't want to miss this.

Look forward to seeing you all at the Access Center at 7pm on Thursday 23 July.

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