COMMERCIAL Waterfront Property on the Cabot Trail!

🏡 OPPORTUNITY Never Looked so Good 🌊

Located at 51943 Cabot Trail in beautiful St. Anns, Nova Scotia, this incredible property offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean towards Cape Breton Highlands. The 7,500 sqft building features two levels, perfect for business or housing opportunities.
For over 40 years, the iconic Lobster Galley Restaurant has been delighting guests with fresh seafood and a scenic waterfront dining experience. The property also includes a gift shop, lobster pound, and takeout services, making it a versatile investment opportunity. Development of the upper level could include housing, office space or special events. 🌟

Whether you're looking to continue the successful restaurant business or explore new ventures, this location is a prime spot for growth. Ready to make your mark on the Cabot Trail?

📞 Contact Jenessa MacInnis today for more details or to schedule a viewing!
Call or Text: 902-295-7766

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OPPORTUNITY Never Looked so Good. Located at 51943 Cabot Trail in beautiful St. Anns, Nova Scotia, this incredible property offers something for anyone!
Marketplace Real Estate For SALE Listing


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