Construction to Begin on New NSCC Marconi Campus in Sydney

Construction on Nova Scotia Community College’s (NSCC) new, contemporary home in downtown Sydney will begin this month.

NSCC issued a tender on June 26 to start the construction phase of the project. This tender is expected to be awarded within two weeks. Other construction tenders will be issued over the next 18 months.

“The new campus will create a dynamic learning environment with state-of-the-art technology that will attract students from across the province,” said Derek Mombourquette, Minister of Energy and Mines on behalf of Labi Kousoulis, Minister of Labour and Advanced Education. “This project will contribute to our skilled workforce and have long-term economic benefits for the region.”

Working with Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM), the playground adjacent to the boardwalk near the fire station will be removed and a section of the boardwalk south of Falmouth Street will be closed to the public starting at the end of July for the duration of the project. A pedestrian walkway will be maintained on Falmouth Street with appropriate signs to redirect pedestrians to the sidewalk on Esplanade.

Nova Scotia’s post-secondary sector plays an important role in the province’s economic growth. The relocation of NSCC’s Marconi campus to the Sydney waterfront will help revitalize the downtown and create a destination campus in Cape Breton’s busiest centre.

Read the full Press Release

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