CS:GO Tournament 5v5 $3700 In Prizes Available!!

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PVP Gamers Dungeon will be hosting a Competitive CS:GO Tournament on August 21st, 2016. Entry Fee MUST be paid in advance. We are not taking any bookings until the fee is paid. Ubique Networks will be on site searching for Nova Scotia's first professional eSports team - CS:GO Edition! The Swarmio team will be on site to provide high-end servers to give players a lagless experience while the Swarmiotv team will also be on site streaming live to Twitch and providing commentary which will be featured on an upcoming episode of Swarmio eSports! Register now for the CS:GO tournament for your chance to work professionally as a gamer! *******SPECIAL NOTE: READ AND UNDERSTAND**** If you are taking your own headset, keyboard, and/or mouse. You must try your equipment at PVP Gamers Dungeon PRIOR to the tournament, not the day of. You need to understand what software and/or drivers are required to make your hardware work. There will be a 5 MINUTE PERIOD before each match begins to configure your hardware. If you are unable to configure your hardware in that time, you will be required to use OUR hardware. ************************************************************* It will be a 5 v 5 double elimination event using the top five maps that are picked from our poll. This means, your team will have to lose twice to be eliminated (Losers bracket). Each match will consist of 20 rounds. Rules are simple: Friendly fire is on, game mode is competitive, teams will be 5 players.

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