David Sansom of the Tide and Time Tuna Charters in PEI

PEI Tuna Fishing Charters | Bluefin Tuna Prince Edward Island

North Lake PEI got it's nickname "the tuna capital of the world" as a result, because of the record size of tuna that were caught here. Sports Fishing was a new industry back then in PEI and still continues today where tuna charter boats like the "Tide & Time Charters" make a living taking sports fishermen and tourists alike out to catch a giant bluefin tuna.

PEI Tuna Fishing Charters have no problem offering a private charter to anyone wishing to book a group tuna charter. Each PEI tuna charter comes with an experienced captain and crew on-board for every single deep sea fishing expedition. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner angler or an avid sports fishermen from Boston or South Africa, it will be a memorable experience out on the tuna laden waters of North Lake PEI.

Deep Sea Sports Fishing PEI

Sport fishermen of all types love catching tuna the best, or so they tell us. The reason may be that the tuna are so big and strong and put up a fight like no other fish. Sport fishing charters in PEI say that the tuna numbers have been up the past few years which is good news for Tourism in PEI.

The Bluefin Tuna in PEI are amongst the largest tuna caught anywhere in the world. This is the reason that you see the influx of thousands of tourists each summer coming to North Lake PEI to try their luck catching one of these monster Bluefin Tuna! The tuna fishing season in North Lake, PEI runs from July to October, with most of the giant Bluefin tuna being caught in the Northern part of PEI off North Lake.

Catching a bluefin tuna is on most fisherman's bucket list. Prince Edward Island is the destination of many tourists and anglers alike from all over the world. There are many tuna charters in PEI to choose from if you want to try your luck at catching one of these powerful fish.

Tuna fish are plentiful off the waters of Prince Edward Island, so now is the time to book your tuna charter before the season ends - Call 902-393-8690 !!

Tuna Fishing Reservations PEI

If you are looking for the thrill of a lifetime, why not book a tuna fishing trip in PEI this summer? One of the most popular bluefin tuna fishing adventures is off North Lake PEI aboard the Tide & Time Tuna Charters! You and your friends are sure to catch a giant tuna upwards of 1100 lbs on any given day.

When you make a reservation to go on a tuna fishing charter in PEI, you are sure to see much more than just tuna fish. The open waters off North Lake, Prince Edward Island are home to large whales, seals, mackerel, caplin, crab, lobster, as many other types of acquatic marine life.

North Lake PEI Tuna Charters

North Lake Tuna Charters in PEI (Tide & Time Tuna Charters) will provide you with the most memorable fishing experience that will last a lifetime.  North Lake PEI Tuna Charters will present you with the chance to catch a giant bluefin tuna possibly weighing over 1000 pounds. Many tuna that have been caught in North Lake PEI are often record breakers!

If you want to catch a giant tuna fish than you are sure to have the adventure of a lifetime aboard the PEI Tuna Charters boat captained by David Sansom.

Here is what each tuna charter includes:

  •     8 hours on the water
  •     Each charter takes 1-6 people onboard
  •     Take a light lunch along with beverages and snacks
  •     All the tackle, fishing rods, gear and bait are provided by the tuna charter boat

    For more information on tuna charter pricing, please contact David Sansom at 902-393-8690 or email [email protected]

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