Derek is your Liberal Candidate for Sydney-Whitney Pier.

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Come see what your Liberal Candidate for Sydney-Whitney Pier is saying about the upcoming by-election.
Gov Election Past Elections 45 Derek Mombourquette (Lib)


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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Derek, nice to see that you are able to take another shot at public service. Your time immersed in the local startup community I'm sure will help shape your thinking as our potential community representative.
Joe Ward Follow Me
I had a chance opportunity to speak with Derek today as he was out canvassing in the Ashby area. He definitely left a very good impression. We chatted for a few minutes, and I felt that I was speaking to someone who was contemplative, well spoken, and clearly well integrated into the political landscape here in Cape Breton. Derek shared some insights regarding a few questions I had. I felt his answers were concise, on the mark, and delivered with a tone of genuine goodwill. So I'm hopeful to continue following his campaign and learning more about his platform as we get closer to voting day. :)
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