Destination CB,TMAC & the Blacksmith: All in The Spectator!

This week in The Cape Breton Spectator:

  • Grant Haverstock, the blacksmith at FireHouse Ironworks in Whycocomagh, Cape Breton, thinks a spat with Destination Cape Breton cost him a spot on the itinerary of the travel writers here in June. The Spectator investigates.

Longtime Sydney-area musician, educator, choir director and accompanist Rosemary McGhee has received the 2016 Katharine McLennan Award for community service. Dolores Campbell profiles this year's winner.

Tourism + Incompetents = Idea Whose Time Has Come? Dr. StrangeJob explains.

North Park, Middle Park, South Park and more: Shay Carlstrom takes you on a whistle-stop tour of Colorado, pre-election.

And was that non-story last Saturday in the Cape Breton Post part of the campaign to re-elect Cecil Clarke? The Spectator thinks so...

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Joe Ward Follow Me
Some powerful stuff this week again! I didn't realize we were going to see Cecil Clarke's campaign strategy stripped down to the bare bones, only to then discover there was only a bit of chewy grizzle left; or that Destination Cape Breton seems to put a tremendous effort in talking in circles and avoiding anything to do with quantifying successful outcomes (or the lack thereof, perhaps? TBD).
Christian Murphy Follow Me
Great pieces again Mary Campbell. Seems the Blacklist may exist across industry sectors. Interesting.
P Sheehan Follow Me
The municipalities and business community ,who are the real owners of the tourism products should have decided what they felt the travel writers should see and experience. It was their room tax money that was paying the tab . Would be nice to know just what articles did get written. Tourism sales will increase this year regardless . The CDN dollar exchange gives a USA visitor at least a 25% discount .Ontario people came East instead of going to teh USA . The Yarmouth ferry is running ( but started to take bookings far too late ) . Our gas prices are lower . And so many more are travelling through on their way to Newfoundland. And then there was Ron's video !!!!

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