Dissatisfied, Citizens Wake Up! (About the Library)

I attended the resent CBC debate for mayor 2024 for CBRM. To say I was disappointed with the discussion on the new central library would be a understatement. From a definite NO, to not knowing who owns the library, to who's responsible it is to supply the service, I beg the citizens off CBRM to take control of this venture or you could wind up with a quansa hut on the tar ponds. Calling for a citizens meeting is really necessary.

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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
With you Barry 100%.Personally the library is not my type of thing for books for example.Not a reader.However the "new library" is a cultural center in modern cities.Books,computer training,computer use for those that can't afford one,book signings,entertainment,meetings,cooking classes and on and on.If you pay attention it is easy to see the strong desire by many for a new library that's been promised for 15+years.There's a reluctance to promise again.Lorna points out in her article on this site that there are several new ones all over Nova Scotia. Just an example:In my opinion Eldon gotta go.He is a stumbling block to a lot of things especially the library and simply there too long.His opposition gets on CBC,sounds pretty good then turns around and says the library is not a priority.The guy must have his head in the sand.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Food for thought:On the weekend I was chatting with a guy who was pretty much in tune with candidates and issues in local politics.However when it came to the library he said a total waste of money,you can find what you need on google.When I tried to explain the modern version of a library he would hear none of it.I couldn't help but think on my drive home how many of the current elected 13 think the same way and also how many new candidates think that way.I already mentioned Eldon's competition clearly does and unfortunately Eldon is a real impediment on the library initiative.So sad.
Barry Smith My Post Follow Me
Hi Raymond: you will not get 100% of the people in agreement but talk to the people that have a new library, Halifax, Truro,Pictou etc. Many people have no idea what a modern library incompass. The majority want one, but it seems council can't find a way for it to happen...last of leadership! It's turned into a political football. Will the new council get things back on track...let's hope so!
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Question:Where are the library staff especially library Management? Are they afraid to speak up/hiding???
Barry Smith My Post Follow Me
Raymond: The library staff and management have been heard...they want a new library, they are not in the position to make the final decision , that is councils call.In fact there is of late a committee of staff, council and others to come up with a site, or renov. The problem been it's the wrong people making the decision, they have to open it up to the general public, the citizens can make the right call but as I stated they are shut out of the process.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Barry I know all about that stuff.What I meant and I wasn't clear is that library management should be out educating the public what a modern day library does.I've heard too many times people implying it's all about books.If that keeps up a lot of people are gonna see it as a waste of money,maybe even elected officials like Eldon's competition and understandably so.

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