Do You Have An Inactive Teenager? CrossFit Summer Program Is Here


Do you have an inactive teenager? How about a teen that wants to start working out, but doesn't have any idea on how or what to do? Are they intimidated by the gym, but want and need to get moving?

Well, we have a new Summer 2019 Teens Program starting next week. 

We are making fitness and weight lifting easily accessible and fun at CrossFit Per Ardua. We are teaching our youth the proper way to train and recover, the proper technique with movement that is VERY important at a young age.

Basic strength and conditioning that will help them build the foundation for a lifetime of fitness.

Our TEEN ONLY group classes are designed to help them learn and grow. They will stay committed to their workouts and look forward to return each day.

Workouts are modified specifically for the needs of the Teen and all classes are coached by extremely experienced and knowledgeable fitness coaches.

Please contact us today for more information to get to get signed up!

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