Does CBRM have a mayor?

Do we have a mayor in CBRM? I recently heard that our mayor, former mayor or what ever she goes by now has a office in the Provincial Building. So is she now an employee of the Provincial, government, is she still in mayot of CBRM? Where are the canidates for mayor on this issue? Do we have a deputy mayor? Can you be a deputy if you have no mayor? I understand we could have the present council well into November 2024. What is the legal ruling on this matter? The present candidates are pushing transparency, open doors, what is their postion Or do they just go along to get along, is this what we can expect from a new mayor?

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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
The mayor refused to answer the question when asked by the media but the issue,like a lot of things,simply just"went away".... but I can say this.......not in the minds of voters.It's a hot topic out there and folks are appalled.The bigger question: where are the other 12 members of the elected 13.Step up.Citizens are owed an answer dispite her term ending shortly.The media got all kinds of places where they can find out the truth but chose not to.If in fact she is working somewhere else she owes it to residents to return her salary as mayor from the day she started the new job.Pretty bad when folks can't depend on local media to hold our elected officials accountable.

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