Doktor Luke's New Location

Welcome to Doktor Luke's new location!

54 Prince Street

(Prince & Bentinck)

We are thrilled to welcome you to our new location in Downtown Sydney. Our espresso bar has everything a coffee aficionado could dream of, and our baristas have been trained by our own master roaster. 

If you don't drink coffee, you'll find hot apple cider and hot chocolate alongside a collection of black, herbal, and green teas. We also serve a host of creative cold drinks, including our wildly popular frappes, made with Ghirardelli cocoa, and Italian sodas. 

We also offer an assortment of delectable baked goods, ranging from croissants to our famous pumpkin chocolate chip loaf. 

We are an independent coffee house, dedicated to our customers' delight and the planet's longevity. 

Here is where taste and ethics meet.

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54 Prince Street (Prince & Bentinck) Now Open
Living Food Restaurant Reviews Location CBRM Sydney Downtown Restaurant Features Coffee, Tea


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