Dr. Michel Chiasson Discusses Precautions for COVID-19 [VIDEO]

Dr. Michel Chiasson from Chéticamp’s Sacred Heart Community Health Centre provides an update on COVID-19 in an interview with CNHE-TV journalist Paula Dayan-Perez.

If you have symptoms of the coronavirus, you can call the Canadian government’s information line at 1-833-784-4397.

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Earlene Busch Follow Me
I appreciated what you said in the video but I also started watching what was on your computer screen behind you; I am assuming it was about the virus. There was one which caught my attention---the one which showed two images juxtaposed. One of the images showed a hamburger with French fries and the other was of fruits and vegetables. The hamburger image had a delete icon through it. So, I am assuming that the video was encouraging viewers to eat more fruits and vegetables as a precaution against being infected with the virus. According to many health experts, the consumption of fruits and vegetables as opposed to fast food, processed food, etc. , proper eating will lessen the body's susceptibility to the virus. The explanation may be that fruits and vegetables keep the Ph of the body in proper balance while processed food, junk food, etc. increase the acidity to dangerous levels. Little has been said about this possibility in the media. Is this a line of inquiry worth exploring? .

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