Dr. StrangeJob takes a leap at poverty

The poverty rate for children under six years of age in Cape Breton is a staggering 42.7%.

Dr. StrangeJob believes the issue of poverty should be the number ONE priority in the upcoming municipal elections. The following is his message to all Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) politicians, bureaucrats, and officials that have not, or will not, address the issue of poverty in CBRM. 

WARNING: The video contains a few course words, but in its defense they are part of a literary quote. 

Starving children in our community need to be served something other than the self-serving entitlement drivel currently served by some of our elected officials. If you are not willing to address the issue of poverty in CBRM, then I suggest you follow the advice of Dr. Wilbur Swain (Slapstick by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.) – “Why don’t you take a flying ### at a rolling doughnut? Why don’t you take a flying ### at the mooooooooooooon?”

Vote to feed empty stomachs, not to feed empty political promises.

Dr. StrangeJob

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Learn more about Dr. StrangeJob at www.drstrangejob.ca

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