Dragon Boat Race Sydney Nova Scotia (Many pictures and video)

Over the years as I have recorded many wonderful things our island has done. Some of the stuff I get to see touches me and makes me proud of being from a small island that most in the world might not have heard of. I have to say I was never so moved to be able to be part of today's events down at the big fiddle. I have been there so many times But never to the dragon boat races. My mother in law asked me last night if I was going to it , I had not know anything about it until then. I was off from work today so I thought sure I will check it out. 

I spent the day watching the many races cheering for all the different teams. I saw so many people hugging and exchanging well wishes. So many different things going on for everyone. Food as far as the eye could see. horse rides and bouncy rides for the children, face painting in different characters that so many children love, So many give aways as well while raising money for a great reason , One of fund raising events was buying pink carnation flowers at 2 dollars each, then they are released into the water to honor those who fought the battle of breast cancer. 

As I watched the people release the flowers I knew I would never miss another Dragon boat race event it was the most touching moment I ever had. As I turned around to thank my mother inlaw for telling me about the race today I saw a tear running down her face as I saw how much the event meant to her. My mother inlaw fought her own battle of breast cancer and had been doing the race as someone paddling in the boat for many years even at the age of 68. I was never so proud to be able to call her My family.

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Richard Lorway Follow Me
Great post, Christina. Thanks for sharing.

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