Easy Eats - Trout with Truffle Potatoes [VIDEO RECIPE]

Easy Eats with special guest Chef Charlie & manager Kelsey Turner from Talo Cafe Bar. Just a few clips from our recent episode. To check out the full episode tune into Ch.10 on Seaside Communications.

I'm no chef, just a regular dad that does the majority of the cooking in my house. This show was produced so we can all learn together on how to make some great dishes. 

Remember, whenever you are cooking always taste your food as you go. Not everyone likes the same ingredients specially spices. So whenever you are adding certain ingredients such as salt, its best to add a little at the beginning and add more as you go. It's only easy to add an ingredient then take it away after you added too much. I think I might have done that once maybe twice before hehehehe.

Yellow Flesh potatoes 3lbs

1tsp of salt for the water

3tbsp of butter (I use salted)

1/2 tbsp of truffle oil

2-3tbsp of whipping cream

Salt & Pepper to taste

Boil the potatoes until they easily break apart. Drain the water and mash in the butter until its well blended. Add the rest of the ingredients and continue to mash until the texture is to your liking. This where you can add a little more S & P. We used salted butter so if you are using unsalted I would recommend using a little more salt at the end .

2 large Trout filets

3 cloves of garlic minced or finely chopped

1/2 yellow onion

1tbsp Soy Sauce

1tsp of pepper

1tbsp of Fresh Dill finely chopped

1tsp of fresh lemon juice

1tsp salt

1.5 tbsp of olive oil

1tbsp of honey

Sweat the garlic and onions on medium/medium low heat with 1 tbs of olive oil until the onions are translucent.

In a bowl mix together all the ingredients and add the onion garlic mixture.

Spread the mixture over the flesh of the filet and bake in the oven wrapped in the parchment paper at 350 degrees for roughly 10mins. Check the fish and allow them to cook a little longer if needed. Be very careful the fish can over cook very fast. I use a thermometer and took the fish out around 140 degree fahrenheit and allowed it to rest for about 5 mins before serving. Remember keep it wrapped and it will continue to cook for roughly 5 mins.

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