
The Showdown Has Begun — But You Can Get Local CB News By Email

The big showdown between the Canadian government and Meta (Facebook) and Google has begun.

Meta and Google are now blocking Canadian news from their websites.

If you are already a member of goCapeBreton.com, you may have been receiving local Cape Breton news by email each morning.

And you will continue to do so.

Be sure to tell your friends they can sign up for a free membership too

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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
This is the best source for real news because a lot of it comes from citizens.Most of our so called local journalists/media are afraid to call our politicians out when they blow it for fear the politician will cut them off from future access.I say,let them cut you off.They'll soon come crawling back when they need to get a message out to clean up another mess they are responsible for.Citizens are out here longing to hear the truth,not political spin and BS.

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