Equalization Corruption Must End.

All the years of the illegal manipulation of these federal equalization transfers must stop. The provincial government must account for every dollar sent in equalization and where it is spent within this province and if not, the federal government must impose restrictions to the receiving provinces.

The transfer itself must require federal conditions as stated in the wording of 36.1 C of the constitution act of 1982. The public must hold the politicians accountable. We can no longer allow our 2 MPs to run from this issue.

We thank our board member Martha Ross for digging up this excellent video and we hope you will watch this video as it is only 10 minutes long.

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Martin MacLellan Follow Me
What an excellent piece of work..congrats to NSEF for posting this. Can you get our local politicians to view this and just possibly do something about it?
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Just take a look around.We are doing ok despite losing coal and steel.This week it was announced that the unemployment rate here is close to the best in the country.We are not just surviving but thriving.Just imagine how great we could become if we elected people who didn't fight,fight.fight/shame/embarass our bankers in Halifax and Ottawa.Do normal people fight with their banker even if they feel the need???ANSWER: NO.It doesn't work and there is no need for our reps to do it especially in the media which some feel the need to do.Why do they do that? Some to satisfy special interest groups,some for a high five at the coffee shop or tavern and some because they just don't know any better.Let's elect people with common sense with some diplomatic skills who will negotiate HARD for us BEHIND CLOSED DOORS with the end result more bucks for us and maintaining a good relationship with Halifax and Ottawa no matter what party is in power.That's how we will be treated wit respect.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
When government is as unaccountable as that of Nova Scotia and the federal government and assisted by the legal system regarding the enshrined law pursuant to section 36 of the Constitution Act, 1982, Ray MacDonald’s opinion is nonsense. People must recall that former mayor John Morgan tried to have this Equalization issue resolved through discussion. Guess what? The governments refused to meet. Father Maroun’s NSEF group also tried to open up this federal Equalization Program to a discussion, but all of the “elected representatives” have refused to meet. Folks, this Equalization money is not owned by governments! It is collected from Canadian taxpayers to be used for the benefit of Canadians pursuant to our supreme law. Too, too many questions have been raised and unanswered by government officials regarding these disappearing $billions of Equalization funding. The government manipulation of these Equalization funding has never been explained by any of our elected representatives! This is one of the main responsibilities elected members of parliament are required to perform in their riding. In addition, they are to also represent the concerns of their constituents back to their government leaders. The record shows that our elected representatives have been more responsive to their re-election and to maximize their pension. As I see it, the lack of respect is from our elected representatives who are part of this corruption.

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