ESCAPE TRUMPTOPIA: Become a LeanMVNO Co-Founder!

Originally Posted on LinkedIN

The election is over, democracy has won the day, the passion and angst you may have felt has subsided and you have had a week to think about your next steps. Planning an escape before the proverbial “Walls” go up requires a path; a path to freedom and a path to success.

I am offering you my American friends an “Underground Railroad” of sorts; a railroad to a land of free healthcare, available property and financial opportunity.

LeanMVNO is hunting a digitally savvy co-founder who is willing to invest time and money into this exciting venture and build a “great company”; the company will be a “great company!” Whoops! Sorry, did I say that out loud, eh!

All kidding aside, LeanMVNO has a cloud based platform focused on the international telecommunications space, is near ready to launch and requires expertise and capital to bring the solution online and execute the go-to-market strategy.

If you're interested and would like to learn more regarding this opportunity and optionally, immigrating to Canada visit:


Fill out the contact form (Only Fully Completed Forms Will be Reviewed).

I will email you a non-disclosure agreement and we can get the conversation started about joining the LeanMVNO team.


Christian Murphy

CEO/Co-Founder LeanMVNO Inc.

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