Regardless of the size of your estate, the person you choose as your executor is going to have their work cut out of them.


It's the responsibility of the executor to deal with your estate assets in accordance with your will. In order to deal with those assets, your executor needs to be able to find them. It can be hard for executors to find assets like insurance policies or shares if you don't have the paperwork in one place at the time of your death. Finding estate assets after an estate has been dealt with can also add unnecessary time and expense to the handling of your affairs.


Rather than send your executor on a treasure hunt for your estate assets, you can take steps to make their job easier by keeping and updated list of your assets along side your will and other estate planning documents.


Our Estate Workbook is a useful tool for both testators and executors. By filling in the Estate Workbook and keeping it updated, you'll provide your executor with the information they need to deal with your assets. The Estate Workbook is also a helpful tool for executors who are about to begin the process of dealing with an estate because it acts as a checklist for the information an executor needs to provide in an estate inventory.

Remember, just like your will, the information inside the Estate Workbook is sensitive financial information and should be treated (and stored) with the utmost care. Keep the Estate Workbook in the same safe place you store your will and other estate planning documents.


Visit our blog to download and complete our Estate Workbook to make your executor's job easier.

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