Everyone Loves a Parade

Everybody Loves a Parade

It was not dark when the decision was made,

that there would be no night parades.

It was on a bright morning,

and the meeting was boring.

The Mayor said they could talk about parades all day,

but he meant this in a sarcastic way.

(Talk more, talk more,

the absent children did roar.)

A councillor from Dominion

was quick to give his opinion.

He said we must listen to the po-po,

and they say a parade at night is a no-no.

(But how we will see sparkling lights in the day?

And what about Rudolph? Will his nose lead the way?)

But things became even stranger

when CBRM said that small parades are a danger.

Let's forbid small parades that bring villages together

and have only big parades in our city’s centre!

The councillors, you see - not all, but most - 

like to go zoom, zoom, zoom,

and forget there are the people

outside of their room.

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