Fabled Fogarty's Cove to be Flattened?

Stan Rogers, Garnet Rogers, Dave Eadie performFogarty's Cove

The Fogarty family has owned the property around Fogarty's Cover for nearly 200 years, but now the local council has voted to expropriate the land and turn it over to a developer to quarry granite and ship it to the U.S.

~ Read the news story in the Chronicle Herald

~ Read the feature article in the Globe & Mail 

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The pristine piece of Nova Scotia shoreline immortalized in song by Stan Rogers has been expropriated from the Fogarty family to be used for a rock quarry.
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Michael MacNeil Follow Me
Why do we pay for an Ombudsman and an Auditor general when they let municipalities get away with this. The same in the CBRM where our mayor and council is running us into the ground, If the Liberal government expect to get back in power they better start investigating wrong doing in our municipalities, because your voters have had enough.

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