Father Maroun celebrates his 60th anniversary of ordination today

Today, Father Albert Maroun is celebrating the 60th Anniversary of his ordination. Father Maroun turned 90 in February and he is still performing as a Priest in the CBRM. At 90 years of age, Father Maroun continues to fight for a better Cape Breton through his hard work with the Nova Scotians for Equalization Fairness group. Skating each weekday (prior to the lock down for Covid) and tending to his massive gardens in Big Pond, are activities that Father Maroun performs daily. His devotion to his community and the well being for the future of Cape Breton is recognized by his many friends and family. The NSEF is an organization that Father Maroun has been a part of since its beginning almost 25 years ago and he continues today to challenge the government on the issue of severe under-funding of the CBRM and Cape Breton, by the Provincial Government. Most people are unaware of the achievements of the Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun. He holds 4 bachelor’s degrees, 2 master’s degrees and a PhD besides being an Ordained Catholic Priest. Father Maroun has achieved many great things in his life and the people who are close to him like the NSEF Board members, his skating community and his many, many friends would like to wish him congratulations on this milestone in his life. Congratulations Father Maroun, well done and may God continue to bless you! Here is an interview with the Cape Breton Post about Father Maroun and his ordination: https://www.saltwire.com/cape-breton/news/provincial/cape-bretons-albert-maroun-celebrating-60-years-as-a-priest-100592193/

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Edward Deruelle Follow Me
Congratulations on your 60 years Anniversary and accomplishments throughout your life. Father Maroun May God continue to be with you.

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