Father Maroun Responds to Mr. Delaney in a Letter...

The following letter was published today. This letter was in response to David Delaney’s recent letter that many people have now responded to. There are selected people who are trying now to discredit our equalization fight by stating we must move past the fight for fairness. Election time is coming and maybe sooner than expected (per comments made by Tim Houston yesterday). The forces are out in full force trying to discredit the fight for equalization fairness. Don’t be fooled folks and get ready to challenge them all come election time. It is up to us, the voters, to ensure the twisting and squirming will continue with our politicians on the equalization issue. Voting independently is now a reality and is possibly our only solution. Here is today’s letter: Equalization fairness fight not a ‘lost cause’ 13 Jun 2024 Re: ‘Time to bury the (equalization fairness) fight in CBRM,’ commentary by David Delaney, June 4. I would like to thank David Delaney for the above commentary. He mentions that politicians twist and squirm on the equalization issue and he is right. There is a good reason for all that twisting and squirming as politicians know we are right, but party politics prevents them from standing up for what is right. Hence all the twisting and squirming. Heck, during Bill 340 all one had to do is watch the process and it would make you vomit. The five Progressive Conservative MLAs from Cape Breton (Allan McMaster, Trevor Boudreau, Keith Bain, John White and Brian Comer) voted against amendments that would see a separate and better deal for funding the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM). Why? Because they were told to do so by the party or party leader no doubt. The public must remember this come election time next year. Then we had to sit and watch the rest of the CBRM MLAs fight like hell for a better deal. But it was also hard to watch that, especially Liberal MLA Derek Mombourquette. Where was that fight when your party was in power, Derek? Where was that passion when you were in the position to do something about the CBRM’s severe underfunding? More party politics at play where party leaders tell the obedient servants what to do. We are about to see a lot more independent MLAs running in the next election and if the public wants change, we had better start voting differently. The party system is now working against us 100 per cent. Back to Delaney’s article. The Nova Scotia for Equalization Fairness disagrees with the view that equalization is a “lost cause.” Let us see what happens when Newfoundland and Labrador takes the federal government to court over the “lost cause” of equalization. Delaney should read section 36 of the Canadian Constitution and then decide if we are being screwed. Equalization is provided so we are not overtaxed and can live to a Canadian standard. Guess what, Mr. Delaney? We now pay the highest property taxation in North America (outside the cap) while Nova Scotia receives $3.284 billion so that does not happen. Where is this funding spent, Mr. Delaney? Are you even curious? A municipality of our size and land volume should have a yearly budget of $350-$400 million per year (based on a Canadian average) but the CBRM is operating on $170 million per year. You see, Mr. Delaney, the poorer we are the more they get in Halifax that gets stuck in general revenue and no record is kept of where this funding is spent. All one must do is take a trip to Halifax to see where it is being spent, sir. One thing is for sure though. We do agree with Mr. Delaney that we must start to do something differently in this municipality. Rev Dr. Albert Maroun Sydney

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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
It's not rocket science.If our CBRM elected 13 behave like diplomats and negotiate with Halifax and Ottawa like civilized politicians we will get bucks for things like a library,tax reduction and infrastusture.Go on like lunatics,bashing all potential partners from various parties,especially in the media,you get nothing.It's the nature of the beast.It's human nature.It's politicsThat's the way to cultivate equalization.SIMPLE.
Charles Sampson Follow Me
Raymond, I can agree with you that our municipal government’s performance has been less than satisfactory. The electorate continues to be part of this problem too. The problem too is not limited to these 13 elected CBRM members however. This unlawful and unconstitutional manipulation of these federal Equalization transfers for decades is being focussed on now more so because of the related property taxes that, as Fr. Maroun and Russ Green have been telling residents, are going to get higher and higher creating economic hardship for many residents. The MLAs and federal MPs are not innocent bystanders in this government created economic crisis. They, too, are not doing their job of protecting the residents. All of the elected politicians have been provided with their own government data and the questions that need answering, which none of them have shown any interest in being accountable to their constituents. This is not “rocket science” but governments have to be answerable through full transparency for their management of these billions of dollars of taxpayers money. This is leading to a call for “independent” candidates to run because the party system has failed the accountable and transparency responsibilities, which are mandatory in all political systems claiming to be a democracy. Hopefully, these independents candidates are getting ready now!
Blair Gushue Follow Me
100% correct. I know it's redundant, but all we have to do is look at our neighbor PEI who is close to the same size as Cape Breton. I know they are a province. However, we represent over 12% of Nova Scotia's population and being the 3rd largest municipality in the province should have some rights to question how the 3-billion-dollar equalization is being disbursed, especially if it is to equalize the standard of living across the province. It can't all be blamed on CBRM's mishandling of money. Halifax has one of the fastest growing economies in Canada despite being part of a have not province. Transparency is important so that the whole province can prosper. Thus, we would not be discussing equalization.

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