Father Maroun Writes To Tim Houston

The following letter has been sent to Premier Houston by Father Maroun. Let’s hope he answers this serious question. For many years now, the funding just does not flow to the CBRM. Could this be because we are not fiscally responsible with provincial monies? We will let you know if, and when we hear back from Premier Houston. Here is the letter that was sent today: Dear Premier Houston. I write to you today to ask a serious question of you and your government. Considering the recently released information of our former Mayor, Amanda MacDougall, and her expense scandal which would have cost the taxpayers of this already struggling municipality, about $17,000 that we are just learning about. There have been other questionable expenses from other Cape Breton politicians (municipal and provincial levels) in the past and that is why I am writing this letter to you today. I have a serious question for you, Premier Houston. “Is the CBRMs financial responsibility with public funding and money playing a part in the lack of funding flowing into the CBRM municipality? “ The recent assessments that have gone out from the PVSC have increased again this year leaving new homeowners in the CBRM paying some of the highest property taxation in Canada, if not North America. Minister John Lohr is on record saying there is room for the CBRM taxes to increase even more. We in the CBRM are paying more than double than the HRM in property taxes outside the cap. Equalization is provided to Nova Scotia and is solely generated by the CBRM and rural Nova Scotia, to avoid this high municipal taxation. Now that there is over $3,465,000,000.00 coming to Nova Scotia in equalization and the CBRM will receive even less than the measly $15 million we were receiving, this is prompting me to ask you this question about financial and fiscal responsibility within our municipality. If citizen oversight is needed in the CBRM to help avoid this conflict and the extreme high taxation we are suffering from, then I will lead the charge on that front. I do sincerely hope Premier Houston that you will take a moment to answer my question today as I have been fighting for fairness for my municipality for over 30 years with regards to equalization and to date, no elected official will discuss the provincial equalization or the Municipal Financial Capacity Grant with the citizens group I lead, the NSEF. I request to hear back from you Premier Houston. Regards, Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun

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