North Highlands Nordic - Ski Chalet for 2021/2022

Cape North - After almost thirty-five years we, the members of North Highlands Nordic believe that the time is right to have a stand alone facility dedicated to cross country skiing and snowshoeing in northern Cape Breton. A new Chalet will offer a wonderful winter destination in northern Cape Breton and a much needed “winter social hub” for the community. NHN already boasts over ten kilometres of scenic trails groomed expertly by a state of art PistenBully grooming machine for classic and skate skiing and is open to the public every winter. Now we need a welcoming facility that we can all be proud of. 

Presently we are applying for various government grants. Keeping this in mind, North Highlands Nordic will have the potential to triple your donation through our partnership with Nordiq Canada. We are soliciting your help to make this dream a reality. Many people will benefit from your generosity.


Please click this link to make a donation. Tax receipts will be issued. Thank-you!


Check out the new branded clothing items. If you would like to order, please contact [email protected].

Construction of a new groomer shed / storage building and a new access trail, have been completed for the 2020-2021 season.

On the trails at North Highlands Nordic.

View More Photos & Story (click here)

Chalet Building Fund North Highlands Nordic


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North Highlands Nordic believes the time is right to have a facility dedicated to cross country skiing and snowshoeing in northern Cape Breton.
Sports Recreational


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