
goCapeBreton.com is for sale!

goCapeBreton.com is for sale!

The leading local news aggregation website and social media platform is available for purchase.  You can take over the business and hit the ground running immediately.

About the business

We started goCapeBreton.com and parent company lokol Inc 10 years ago.  Our mission was to help communities make more good things happen by allowing people to learn about their communities and share their own news in their own words.  

And it worked!

Through our advanced technology platform, goCapeBreton.com quickly became a highly-trafficked website with thousands of members and a large following via email and social media. 

Why are we selling?

goCapeBreton.com and lokol were founded by MediaSpark in Sydney.  MediaSpark’s core business is in an entirely different industry (educational games) which is quite complex, and we’ve decided that it’s better for our team to stay focused on our core business. 

Who are we selling to?

We don’t have a buyer in mind yet — this means it could be you :-) 

We are sharing this news publicly so that we can find the best match.

We believe this business opportunity will be appealing to:

  • Local business owners who can use goCapeBreton.com to promote a wide area of businesses while continuing to help our local community.

  • Expatriates who have returned to Cape Breton and are looking to contribute to the local economy and beyond by running their own business.

  • Newcomers who want to stay in Cape Breton or Canada and prefer the path of self employment.

What does a buyer get?

  • You get a fully-operational business with unique and proven technology, a recognized brand, thousands of followers, and thousands of pieces of content indexed in Google and other search engines.

  • Technology systems that are highly automated and make it easy to operate the business at minimal cost and by only one person if you choose. Or build a team and expand the business when you are ready.

  • A business that can be scaled in Cape Breton and other parts of Canada or in other countries.

  • Revenue has been primarily through advertising which you can choose to continue or change business models to match your objectives.

  • Training, mentoring, and support to get you started.

With Cape Breton Island growing for the first time in decades, and the world shifting to remote work, the timing is ideal.

Much of what you may want to know about goCapeBreton.com is available publicly on the website. If you are a buyer interested in exploring the purchase of the business, submit this form — https://forms.gle/kwuhXQWbqF7EUd4C6

Mathew Georghiou

Founder of goCapeBreton.com, lokol, and MediaSpark

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Lynn Hussey Follow Me
goCapeBreton is a great site. I hope it will continue as it is.
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
This is the only place to get the real feelings of regular joes out there because they get the opportunity to voice their opinion,in most cases right away.Local media for the most part are cowards when it comes to getting to the bottom of things.Afraid to offend their source.There's no need to worry about that because there are lots of loose lips out their if you do some digging.A lot of folks will sing like budgie birds if given the opportunity.
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