Fred Tilley Defects 3 Days After CBRM Election—Clarke Endorsement

My name is Joe Ward, and on October 19th, I was defeated in the CBRM mayoral election by Cecil Clarke. With a tidy margin of 3,760 votes, he became our next mayor and I lagged behind in second place.

3 days later, Fred Tilley, a Liberal MLA for Northside-Westmount defected to join Tim Houston as an NSPC team member. I fully recognize that taking issue with Tilley may draw suggestions of sour grapes. So, let me start by saying the following. I entered the political arena knowing fully well that I had to be prepared to enter their universe—including all of the political tactics, ethical or otherwise. The objective was to run a strategy that would allow me to win regardless of what obstacles stood in my way, and I simply fell short. There are a whole variety of reasons to explain my loss—some external and some just gaps in my own campaign, or just mistakes I made a long the way.

As a long-time writer and podcaster of topics related to the CBRM, I assure you I would have been addressing this issue, even if I had never run for mayor or council in 2024.

I'm a critic of the political party system, because of its bias, and because MLAs (or MPs) are subject to their party before their constituents. I fundamentally disapprove of that inherent flaw of the system. I actually believe that a party member defecting to another party is one of the rare occurrences in which they genuinely demonstrate the ability to decide on something for themselves. Of course, I can also understand that their party supporters may feel deceived or let down.

I feel that what Fred Tilley did recently was unethical. However, it is not because he defected to join Tim Houston. The part I take issue with is that as an elected Liberal MLA he made an endorsement of my opponent Cecil Clarke, earlier in his campaign. He did so while still under the Liberal banner. But, just three days after the municipal election was over, he joined Houston to announce that he had moved over to the NSPCs.

Are we to believe that Tilley did not know what he intended at the time of endorsing Cecil Clarke? And that the timing of his defection three days after the election was just coincidental?

While there is nothing illegal about what Tilley did (as far as I am aware), given the circumstances of his endorsement, but delay in announcing his defection until after the election, I feel that it represented manipulation of the voting public. Would his Liberal supporters have considered his endorsement of Clarke with as much contemplation if they already knew the man they voted for had intentions towards abandoning his party and joining the Houston government?

Let's see how quickly he is rewarded with a cabinet position in the next shuffle.

Through my campaign, I talked about having no political baggage. I also warned of the influence of political parties with multiple instances of former MLAs campaigning for (or even driving around) some of the mayoral or council candidates.

And then we have this tactic from Fred. When I talked so much about transparency and accountability and authenticity, these are things I truly value. Did Fred Tilley demonstrate them to his constituents and to those who voted to declare him as their Liberal MLA?

Or did he just keep it a secret and participate in electioneering during our municipal campaign on the down low? It may be hard to answer that question definitively, but you know what I think.

And my recommendation is that voters should remember what Tilley did when the provincial election is called—which is rumoured to be very soon. We'll just need someone to run that can defeat him. I wonder who that might be.


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Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Hopefully citizens start to wake up and stand up to the BS around here with the dirty backroom politics at all levels.This party system belongs in the dark ages and replaced with the person/morals #1.Tilley gotta be tossed to the curb.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
It can be valuable for parties to align around differentiating philosophies. It’s the members submitting to the will of the party that is the biggest flaw. Beyond that, opposition for the sake of damaging their rivals and not done from a place of reason will ensure we remain divisive and cannot make optimal decisions for country, province, and community.
Rohn MacLeod Follow Me
You don't always win the first time out and I think you did a great job and the results show it. I expect some background politics were underway. I have nothing against Cecil, I just can't remember what great things he did in the past when mayor! We all remember the mayor who said paving a priority and we got newly paved roads as opposed to miles of patches. As for leadership as his logo, lest we forget the riddle of the pied piper! Let us pray!
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
I see a part of my leadership commitment or citizen influence as always trying to keep party influences as accountable as possible.
Rohn MacLeod Follow Me
Blair Gushue Follow Me
The political system is a hard thing to comprehend. It only took a third of the vote for the new mayor to win. Unfortunately, the remaining 65% was pretty well split between two candidates. Bad timing. I would have like to have seen a head to head match up with yourself and Clark. Our system does have its flaws where popular vote does not always win. Fine effort sir! Hope to see you participate again in the future.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
Thank you, Blair. I’ll be back. :) We should move to ranked balloting.
Blair Gushue Follow Me
Yes, especially for municipal elections. I think believe it or not Alaska has a different setup for elections
Blair Gushue Follow Me
What's the rush Fred? Pretty liberal move!
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
Just watching the news{CTV}.Boy oh boy we gotta wait for the drum roll and the finale but this mess isn't getting any better.Can't see anyone voting for this guy next time around which is likely gonna be very soon.I'd be kinda offended if I voted for him in the past.
Blair Gushue Follow Me
No need to wait for an election. If a politician wants to cross the floor it should be more democratic. This is a cheap shot towards the voters who elected them. He or she should step aside and run on a different ticket. Too many career politicians for all the wrong reasons.
Joe Ward My Post Follow Me
The ethics of it will always be a question. I think a reasonable compromise might be dropping a party, but waiting until reelection to pick up a new banner. But even in that situation, they’d already be serving the interests of the new party. I just object to Tilley interfering with the municipal election, knowing he was abandoning the same supporters he was trying to sway with his endorsement of Clarke. He manipulated his advantages before declaring them. And all speculated to be about aspirations to a cabinet position from the highest bidder?
Raymond Mac Donald Follow Me
This lug shouldn't get a vote next time around.
Lillian Dolomont Follow Me
Blair, in my opinion, there should be NO crossing the floor allowed. If a person of ANY party is not satisfied with what is going on in his or her party, they should go :INDEPENDENT: until the next election. When the next election is happening that is when he chooses the party of choice. When I vote for a person, I expect that person to either stay or go independent.

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