Free Old World Grape Vines for the taking

In the driveway of 196 Townsend Street Sydney, there is a bucket of Old World (Lebanon) Grape Vines free for you to take. There is a diagram on the bucket about how to plant the vine but basically you need to leave one node out of the ground and plant the rest horizontally. Please use the node that is closest to one end of the vine to be above ground then bury the rest horizontally about 4-5 inches underground. Then water daily until the plant is established and growing well.

Cape Breton is an ideal place to grow grapes and you should be seeing lots of grapes after 3 grow seasons. Please call me if you need help, need more vines or just have questions and I will help you all I can.


Rev. Dr. Albert Maroun
902 561 0070

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Richard Lorway Follow Me
What kind of grapes do they produce?
Albert Maroun My Post Follow Me
Hi Richard. They produce Concord Grapes. Excellent for making wine, grape juice, preserves or anything you wish. Call me if you need further info or instructions. Thanks. Albert
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
Do you still have some there?? I'd like to add to mine if you do!
Albert Maroun My Post Follow Me
Yes. Father Maroun is out there trimming more now in the driveway. Still some left.
Lynn Hussey Follow Me
Awesome. I'll try to swing by this afternoon and get them from the sidewalk. Tks. so much
Richard Lorway Follow Me
Thanks, Albert. I already have concord vines I got from Donny MacLellan many years ago, and they grow really well. I will let others take advantage of your kind offer. Best, Richard

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