Gamers Unite! GRAND OPENING in Sydney!

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Join us to celebrate the Grand Opening of PvP Gamers Dungeon, Cape Breton's first video game lounge. 

Who? PvP Gamers Dungeon

What? Grand Opening!!

Where? 465 George Street, Unit B
When? Friday, November 13th. 3:00pm-9:00pm

Why? Because it's going to be awesome!

PvP Gamers Dungeon has the latest technology and one of Atlantic Canada's fastest internet connections. 

Featuring eight PC gaming systems, 12 PS4 systems, and 12 XBOX One systems, this community gaming lounge is designed to suit all of your gaming needs. 

Enjoy the comfortable and calming lounge-style environment! Experience the social interaction while playing your favourite video games. 

All fee's will be waved for this event, with a non-perishable food donation for Loaves and Fishes. 

Just look for the glow! See you there!

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Mathew Georghiou Follow Me
Great to see this new business ... best wishes with your success!
Sean Demeyere Follow Me
This is awesome!
James MacKinnon Follow Me
Be still my geek heart. Great location and selection of games guys, can't wait to check it out. This is exactly the type of entertainment downtown needs. Sidenote: Have you considered having some casual PC stations to take advantage of tourists/visitors looking to quickly jump online?
Rory Andrews Follow Me
I was wondering where I was going to go to try out Star Wars Battlefront. Now I know!

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